My approach works. However…

Even under the best circumstances, we may fall short of our goals…at first.

The question is, what goals are we setting for our practice, and what constitutes success?  Ready to look at that?

I’ve used my coaching method successfully for a decade.  I continue to tweak and improve my approach, making it more efficient and more effective.

If you're ready, we have a good chance at getting you where you want to go. 

My Approach

What do you know?

I always start my first lesson with someone figuring out what they know.  Not only does this give them a chance to own their successes and knowledge, but it keeps me from teaching them something they've already learned!

What do you want?

My most important role is to help identify what we want so that we can look at ways to break up the challenges into achievable goals.  This is the step you really need me for.

What’s your timeline?

Our approach is going to be different based on whether you have your whole life to learn how to play, or a performance next week!

Do you have the tools to solve the problem?

Have you ever tried to pound in a screw with a hammer?  It doesn't work, and it makes a mess!  Once we identify your playing problems, we can start talking about whether you have the tools to address them.  Maybe you need help finding them.  Or maybe they’re actually in hand, and you never knew you had them. 

Breaking up the task

I spent many years learning to play a few particular pieces.  How did I manage to keep at them that long?  Lots of little steps.

Even if you’re new at the skill, breaking up your learning will empower you like nothing you’ve ever experienced before.  

Taking steps that are the right size

Here’s something that efficient workers don’t always know:  You can break the steps up too small.

It took me twenty years to learn how to correctly size a task, and this is a skill I’m happy to bring to you.  Often it’s the difference between you being stuck right at the starting gate versus being nearly at the finish line.


Once we’ve gotten to the end of this process, it’s time to reassess.  Because now you’re a different person!

So we take another look at who you are…now!  And we see if the problems have changed, and if we need to determine new solutions.  Refinement.



There are three ways to work with me.  I’ve found most people prefer the Semester Approach

I think people prefer it because they don’t want to be rushed.

Of course we can get results quickly.  They’ll just be different results than if you take your time.

Making a longer-term commitment demonstrates to yourself that you take your process seriously.  It also gives us time to figure out what’s really going on.

The Semester - $720.

16 Sessions.  Each weekly session includes thirty minutes of focused work.

If you have never studied the piano before, this is the approach for you.


The Flex Approach – $55 per lesson, based on availability. 

Includes a thirty-minute lesson.

Ideal for someone that wants help with a single project, or needs a lot of flexibility.


 The Deep Dive - $1425

Includes sixteen one-hour intensive lessons per term.

If you're serious about wanting to get good at the piano, this is the package for you.  We'll explore the foundations of your movement at the piano to unlock greater ease and power than you've ever known before.  Jazz or Classical approach is available, or combine approaches!