A Time for Hope

Most people would agree that the world would be a worse place if someone they loved wasn’t in it.  And if anyone loves you, anyone at all, then it’s clear that the world would be a worse place if you weren’t in it.  Less beautiful, less interesting.


If you are mentally healthy enough to believe this obvious truth, then turn it around.  The world is better with you in it.  More beautiful, more interesting.


When I imagine a terrible future for our world, I’m usually not in it.  Or if I am, I’m a victim, and very passive.  This is telling, because it suggests a way forward.


If the world with us passive or absent is a terrible world, then surely the world with us present and active is a better one.  Since I intend to be present and active in it, the world will most definitely be better with me in it than my worst nightmare.  Rather than surrender to despair, I will have to find a way to counter the despair.


Despair is a tricky thing.  It feeds on hope.  The darkest time is when despair seems to have eaten all the hope.


But despair can’t survive once hope is gone.  It has nothing to feed on.  So it simply vanishes and leaves a void.

There’s a powerful reason to create hope at that time.  It slides easily into the void left by despair.  Hope backed by action is a wonderful thing.


Here’s the action I want to take, to inspire you to take, and to suggest to others.


  1. We can’t count on money, we can’t count on fame, we can’t count on success, or anything that the future might or might not hold.  All we can count on is our relationships.  We have control over our part in those right now, and we have to nurture them.
  2. The world is a better place when you contribute what you have to offer.  It might not be the cure for global warming and it might not have to be.  Contribute your best and know that it matters.
  3. If we feel bad, we have to keep going.  If we feel good, we have to keep going.  Keep going doing what?  Nurturing relationships and contributing what you have to the world.


I’m working on my relationships (and it ain’t easy).  I’m looking for the things I can contribute and taking steps to do so.  I’m working hard to keep going (and it AIN’T EASY).


I hope you’ll nurture your relationship with me.  I hope you’ll contribute what you have and let me know what that is.  I hope you’ll encourage me to keep going.


News From a Jazz Musician Who Writes Books

Adam Cole's novel about an America split into black and white has finally been released for sale.  You can find it here at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=adam+cole+motherless+child&crid=187RHNA5APZ4O&sprefix=Adam+Cole+Mother%2Caps%2C192&ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_16.

Reviews make all the difference in whether Amazon keeps it available, so please review it!

Two articles this week: 

Rasmussen College - "Firsthand Advice for Working Full-Time in Grad School" - Ashley Brooks


Adam Cole is a Jazz Musician Who Writes Books.  Fantasy author, music educator and performer, Adam chats weekly on the subject of listening, creativity and living your best life.  Enter your e-mail to subscribe and receive a  free gift, Adam's book Years of Possibilities, not available for sale. 

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